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Farewell to No-C-Notes® after 35 years of audio described music score.

No-C-Notes is music notation heard, not seen. Accessible, affordable and easy to learn and use. The No-C-Notes method had been in use for 35 years, removing the barrier of visual impairment or reading disability in notation. The sheet music notation is converted to an audio file that can be played on any media player, verbally defined along with the music played. It provides those with visual and reading disabilities the same sheet music, but in the hearing not visual sense. Audio Music Score had been dedicated to accessibility for the musician and educator using standard Western music notation.

No-C-Notes transcriptions are now no longer available. The decades of assisting musicians with vision challenges has been rewarding and inspiring. With the multiple resources of AI for Music and Audio, audio and Braille music notation readings are archaic, cumbersome and expensive. You can contact Christina if you still wish training in No-C-Notes.



Christina Cotruvo is a fiscal year 2023 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This continuing activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.