Croatian Christmas Carols book cover

Croatian Christmas Carols for the Small Harp
by Christina Cotruvo

This sheet music book contains fourteen harp arrangements of Croatian carols and chants. These are traditional carols from a time period ranging from medieval to the 1800s and are still being sung today. These beautiful melodic carols are of Croatia,Dalmatia and Istria in addition to Glagolitic chant.  Croatian pleter and Glagolitic script artwork adorn the sheet music.  Although these arrangements are for the small harp, two and one quarter octaves with tone range of C3 – E5, they can be adapted to play on any size of harp.  Chord symbols are indicated and fingerings are included.  They are arranged for advanced beginners to intermediate harp players.  The carols are in the keys of C, F and G and their minors and modes.   20 pages. 

Croatian Carols and Chants –
Bog Se Rodi * God is Born * Istrian Carol
Djetešce Nam Se Rodilo* Our Little Child Was Born * Croatian Carol
Kyrie Eleison * Lord Have Mercy * Glagolitic Chant
Nebo, Daj Oku *Heaven, Give the Eye * Duro Eisenhuth 1872, Croatian Carol
O Betleme * Oh Bethlehem * Croatian Carol
O Pastiri, Vjerni Čuvari * Oh Shepherds, Faithful Watchers * Croatian Carol
Prva je Vura Te Noći *The First Hour of that Night * Croatian Carol
Radujte Se Narodi *People Rejoice * Croatian Carol
Spavaj, Spavaj Djetiću* Sleep, Sleep My Child * Croatian Carol
Svim na Zemlji * To All On Earth * Croatian Carol
Tri Kralja Jahahu *Three Wise Kings Went Riding * Istrian Carol
U Se Vrijeme Godišta *During the Year * Glagolitic Chant
Veseli Se, Majko Božja* Rejoice Mother of God *Dalmatian Carol
Veselje Ti Navješćujem * I Preach Joy to You *Dalmatia CarolsHO


Available in PDF version at and Melody’s Traditional Music